Catholic Church Burnings

Justin Trudeau, isn’t he Catholic? Why did he accuse the Church for his Father’s crimes?


someone always has to be VIGILANT during the black sabbath, 3:03 to 3:30 in the morning torturing children in the CHURCH

JOE says he will pump in carbon monoxide from his mom’s stationwagon into the Church…use first AIDD and resuscitate the children but leave the abusers to die with no CPR or Oxygen to wake them up…..

quick psych gas rundown

co2 in the chamber makes u feel like dying, some people confess

laughing gas makes u silly so that u trip up with the FEDS

oxygen makes u high and manic

carbon monoxide puts u2 sleep

there are more gases and their effects coming soon

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5 thoughts on “Catholic Church Burnings



    working man’s rod

    not rothschild’s goldenrod

    revelation 12

    our church is safe now

    but i want all the other churches safe

    so always visit the church at 3 to 330 in the morning and keep your eyes peeled for taxis

  2. there was no danger of the concrete stairs turning into dust like the WTC

    life isn’t HOLLYWOOD

    they’re all a bunch of fickle musheads joe….

    but to satanists the cards are like smeagol’s PRECIOUS

    so i burned their PRECIOUS

    gave everyone a set for free online

  3. They want to be masonic/illuminist demons and vampires and werewolves….here in babylon…tonight in babylon

    but when u burn their PRECIOUS satanic picture book (tarot cards)…they say, hey joe, that’s not fair…i don’t want to go to hell….my remains burnt up in mount etna…every trace of DNA gone….no second chance at life

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