
The similarities between Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy:

1. Both men were elected to congress in ’46 (Lincoln in 1846, Kennedy in 1946)

2. Both men were elected to the presidency in ’60 (Lincoln in 1860, Kennedy in 1960)

3. Both men were concerned with civil rights (Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, Kennedy proposed what became the Civil Rights Act)

4. Both men married in their 30s to women in their 20s

5. Both men lost a son while living in the White House

6. Both Presidents had 4 children (and both lost two before they reached their teens)

7. The doctors for Lincoln and Kennedy had the same name: Charles Taft

8. Lincoln’s private secretary was called John (John Nicolay), Kennedy’s private secretary was called Evelyn Lincoln.

9. Both men were shot on a Friday

10. Both men were shot in the head

11. Both men were shot in the presence of their wives

12. Lincoln was sitting in box number 7 of Ford’s Theatre when he was killed. Kennedy was riding in car number 7 in the cavalcade (in a Lincoln car made by the Ford Motor Company)

13. Both were assassinated by Southerners (John Wilks Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald)

14. The law-enforcement officer who detained John Wilkes Booth was called Lafayette Baker, as was the man who detained Lee Harvey Oswald was Marrion L. Baker.

15. Both their presidential successors were named Johnson (Andrew Johnson and Lyndon B. Johnson)

16. Both men were succeeded by Southerners.

17. Both successors were born in ’08 (Andrew Johnson in 1808 and Lyndon Johnson in 1908)

18. Both assassins are known by three names (John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald)

19. Both assassins’ names have 15 letters

20. Booth ran from the theatre and was caught in a warehouse; Oswald ran from a warehouse and was caught in a theatre

21. Both assassins were themselves assassinated before their trials.

22. John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald were both originally thought to be lone-gunman but it was later discovered that they were part of a conspiracy.

Lincoln Music Video: 2 Steps From Hell “Impossible” is the music
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3 thoughts on “Lincoln/Kennedy

  1. In American history books there is nothing about the role of the
    banks in the Revolutionary War (1775-1783) and the War of Independence (1812-1814). Neither is there anything about the debt-free
    ‘greenbacks’ that Abraham Lincoln issued. Their existence is only
    verified by a few encyclopaedias.

    Architects of Deception: The Secret History of Freemasonry

    To finance the American Civil War, which broke out on 12 April
    1861, President Abraham Lincoln was forced to utilize the right of
    the Congress to coin its own money. Between the years 1862 and
    1864, 450 million interest free ‘greenbacks’ were printed. Lincoln
    promised at his re-election in 1864 to begin fighting the banks as
    soon as the war was over.

    Lord Goschen, the representative of the financial world, wrote in
    the London Times: “If this financial policy becomes permanent, the
    government can without expenses acquire necessary monetary provision.
    It can pay its debt and repay its loans without debt. It will have enough
    money to trade (on the open market). It is going to be healthier than any
    other (before) in history. If we do not overthrow this government, it will
    overthrow us.”

    The North during the Civil War was financed by the Rothschilds
    through their American agent August Belmont (actually Schonberg)
    and the South by the Erlanger brothers who were related to the
    Rothschild family. The Civil War ended on 9 April 1865, and the
    international freemasonry got busy to remove President Lincoln.


    The assassination of Abraham Lincoln was carried out by the extremist Jew John Wilkes Booth (Botha), a freemason of the 33rd degree,
    on 14 April 1865 in Washington, D. C, only five days after the end of
    the Civil War. The Jewish silversmith John Booth’s ancestors had
    been exiled from Portugal because of their radical political views.
    John’s fader was Junius Brutus Booth (Stanley Kimmel, “The Mad
    Booths of Maryland”, New York, 1970). Izola Forrester, Booth’s granddaughter, stated in her book, “This One Mad Act” (1937), that Booth
    belonged to the lodge Knights of the Golden Circle and also Mazzini’s
    “revolutionary” movement Young America. Izola Forrester revealed in
    detail that the freemasons were involved in the assassination of the
    president. The subsequent murder of Lincoln’s assassin was organized
    by Judah P. Benjamin, an important freemason and Rothschild agent
    (William Guy Carr, “Red Fog over America”, 1968, p. 194). He was
    head of the Confederate secret service and later fled to England.
    The masonic lodge Knights of the Golden Circle was mixed up in
    the plot. This name had begun to be seen in the press and so the
    masonic Sovereign Grand Commander Albert Pike in 1866 decided to
    rename it Kuklos Klan; ‘kyklos’ in Greek meaning ‘circle’ (John
    Daniel, “Scarlet and the Beast”, Volym III, Tyler, Texas, p. 76).
    Knights of the Golden Circle appeared first in Cincinnati, Ohio, under
    the supervision of the Scottish Rite’s Midwest organizer Killian van
    Resselaer. From there, the Knights spread throughout Ohio, Indiana,
    and Illinois, down the Mississippi south to the Gulf of Mexico, and
    into Maryland and Virginia. The Golden Circle was to be a slave
    empire centred in Cuba. The Knights armed and trained up to
    100 000 men. They were organized into lodges called ‘castles’.
    It was officially founded as a new organization, the Ku Klux Klan,
    in 1865 in Pulaski, Tennessee, by General Nathan Bedford Forrest.
    Forrest formally disbanded the Klan in 1869, and the federal government crushed the residual chapters by 1871. In 1882 it was banned.
    The present racist group with the same name was founded in 1915 by
    William Joseph Simmons and Simon Wolf and thus has not grown out
    of the masonic organization that existed from 1866 to 1871.


    After the demise of President Lincoln things were “normalized”.
    The amount of money in circulation, which in 1866 amounted to
    1907 million dollars or 50.46 dollars per capita, had by 1876 been
    reduced to 605 million or 14.60 dollars per person.
    As a result there were 56 446 bankruptcies in ten years and a loss
    of two billion dollars. In 1887, the masonic bankers reduced the
    money amount further to 6.67 dollars per head. The Irish economist
    Margrit Kennedy stated in the book “Interest and Inflation Free
    Money” that the interest rate always goes up when there is a
    shortage of money. This in turn leads to bankruptcies and worsens
    the unemployment rate.

    In American schoolbooks it is claimed that it was all for the good
    that the Democratic candidate for president in 1896, William Jennings Bryan, was not elected, because he was against the gold footing and the “sound money” of the banks (that is money that creates
    debt). Bryan explained in his “Cross of Gold” speech at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago on 9 July 1896: “When we have
    restored the money of the Constitution, all other necessary reforms will
    be possible, and until that is done there is no reform that can be

    Bryan was not elected and 17 years later, in 1913, Congress passed
    a bill (introduced by the masonic President Woodrow Wilson), that
    repealed the right of the Congress to issue currency and transferred
    this right to a “federal reserve” funding system.
    Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh, father of the famous aviator,
    had the following to say about this: “When the president signs it, the
    invisible government of the money brokers has become legalized. The
    worst legal crime of the century is a fact. The day of reckoning is only a
    few years removed.”

    The one that played a crucial role in providing the United States
    with a central bank, was Paul Warburg. He was a German immigrant
    arriving in America together with his brother Felix. Both brothers,
    who were Illuminati and also member of B’nai B’rith, became partners
    of the banking house Kuhn, Loeb & Co., led by the illuminatus Jacob


    Schiff, who also belonged to B’nai B’rith (Viktor Ostretsov, “Freemasonry, Culture, and Russian History”, Moscow, 1999, p. 583). The
    Warburgs were supported by Nelson Aldrich (later to become
    grandfather to Nelson and David Rockefeller), known as the Senate
    handyman of John Pierpoint Morgan.

    The family of (Samuel Moses) Del Branco in 1559 moved from Italy
    to Germany taking the name Warburg. In 1798, the family founded
    the bank of M. M. Warburg & Co.

    The 1907 financial panic had been caused by the masonic banker J.
    P. Morgan, historian Fredrick Lewis Allen concluded in 1949. This was
    used as pretence to show that there was a need for a central banking

    Frank Vanderlip, who worked for Rockefeller, admitted later in The
    Saturday Evening Post: “I do not feel it is any exaggeration to speak of
    our secret expedition to Jekyll Island as the occasion of the actual
    conception of what eventually became the Federal Reserve System.”
    Jekyll Island is a well-known resort on the Georgia coast.
    During the Jekyll Island meeting at the end of 1910, Paul Warburg
    emphasized that the term ‘central bank’ should be avoided under all
    circumstances. It was decided to present the project as a Regional
    Reserve System.

    It was made sure that Morgan’s candidate, the freemason Thomas
    Woodrow Wilson was elected president. His campaign was financed by
    Jacob Schiff, Bernard Baruch, Henry Morgenthau, New York Times’
    publisher Adolph Ochs and other powerful Jewish financiers and freemasons.
    The high-ranking freemason Edward Mandel House, President
    Woodrow Wilson’s confidential adviser, by many historians considered
    the actual president of the United States during Wilson’s
    administration, proposed in his novel “Philip Dru: Administrator – A
    Story of Tomorrow, 1920-1935” (New York, 1912), which was published anonymously, a transition to a graduated income tax and a
    central bank. These requirements were known from the Illuminati
    five-point program. “Colonel” House was in favour of forming a world


  2. Today obelisks are associated with sacrifice. The freemasons raised
    an obelisk composed of 14 parts with the Illuminati torch (or Flame
    of Lucifer) at the top, on Dealy Plaza in Dallas, near the place where
    President Kennedy was shot to death on 22 November 1963 (under
    the sign of Scorpio). The obelisk is situated on the 33rd parallel,
    directly opposite the County Court House and the city’s masonic
    lodge (Article by James Shelby Downard, “Masonic Symbolism in the
    Assassination of John F. Kennedy”).


    On 4 June 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed Executive Order
    No. 11110 that returned to the government the power to issue
    currency, without going through the Federal Reserve. Kennedy’s
    order gave the Treasury Department the power “to issue silver certificates against any silver bullion, silver, or standard silver dollars in
    the Treasury”. For every ounce of silver in the US Treasury Department’s vault, the government could introduce new money into
    circulation. Kennedy brought nearly 4.3 billion dollars in new notes
    into circulation. The ramifications of this bill were enormous.
    With the stroke of a pen, Kennedy was on his way to putting the
    Federal Reserve Bank of New York out of business. If enough of these
    silver certificates were to come into circulation, they would have
    eliminated the demand for masonic Federal Reserve notes. This is
    because the silver certificates were backed by silver and the Federal
    Reserve notes were not backed by anything.
    Executive Order 11110 could have prevented the national debt
    from reaching its current level, because it would have given the
    government the ability to repay its debt without going to the Federal
    Reserve and being charged interest to create new money.
    To dismantle the Federal Reserve System and issue interest-free
    money was a crime against the intentions of the masonic financial

    After John F. Kennedy was assassinated five months later, no more
    silver certificates were issued. The Executive Order was never repealed by any American president and is still valid. Nearly 6 trillion
    dollars in debt has been accumulated since 1963 (“President
    Kennedy: the Federal Reserve and Executive Order”, The Final Call,
    Vol. 15, No. 6, 17 January 1996, the United States).
    President Kennedy wanted to take home military advisers from
    Vietnam, call off the pointless “conflict” with the Soviet Union and
    prevent Israel from producing nuclear weapons, thereby becoming
    enemies with the freemason David Ben-Gurion, the prime minister of
    Israel (Michael Collins Piper, “Final Judgement: The Missing Link in
    the JFK Assassination Conspiracy”, Washington, 1998).


    In his letter to Ben-Gurion, Kennedy makes it clear that he will
    under no circumstances agree to Israel becoming a nuclear state.
    Israeli historian Avner Cohen confirms in his book “Israel and the
    Bomb” (1999) that the conflict between John F. Kennedy and Israel
    was very powerful. The American historian Stephen Green stated: “In
    the early years of the Johnson administration the Israeli nuclear weapons
    program was referred to in Washington as ‘the delicate topic’.”
    When New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison prosecuted trade
    executive Clay Shaw for conspiracy in the assassination, Garrison had
    stumbled upon the Mossad link.

    The United States wasted two billion dollars per month on their
    criminal war efforts in Vietnam. Kennedy was replaced by the highranking freemason Lyndon Baines Johnson, who did everything in
    his power to conceal the truth behind the murder. There was no way
    the unskilled marksman Lee Harvey Oswald could have managed to
    fire three shots, including two hits, within 5.6 seconds from his
    supposed hiding place on the sixth floor of the book depository on
    Elm Street in Dallas. The district attorney Jim Garrison in New Orleans believed that at least three snipers were involved in the shooting. The American investigative journalist Michael Collins Piper
    attempts to show in his book “The Final Judgement” that Israel’s
    secret service, Mossad, was involved in the murder of President

    The assistant autopsy photographer Floyd Riebe, the X-ray technician Jerrol Custer and another technician, all employed by the US
    Navy and present at the Bethesda Naval Hospital, when John F. Kennedy’s body was brought there following the murder, revealed at a
    press conference in New York on 28 May 1992, that the photographs
    and X-rays from the autopsy of the president had been faked. It was
    clear from the genuine pictures that Kennedy was hit by more than
    two bullets and that at least one was fired from in front of him.
    Jerrol Custer stated: “The photographs were retouched so that one
    could not see the large exit hole at the back of the head.”
    (Expressen, 29 May 1992 – not reported in American press!)
    The author Harry Livingstone, who was present at this press conference, related in his book “High Treason 2” that Kennedy was
    ambushed with military precision by more than one sniper. It was a
    conspiracy, which has been concealed from the highest level.
    President Kennedy’s preserved brain disappeared in a mysterious
    way. Today, an examination would in all probability confirm that
    there were at least two or three snipers.

    Washington’s tallest marble obelisk, 555 feet tall and dedicated to
    the President and freemason George Washington, was completed in
    1885. It was then the tallest stone structure in the world. The
    Washington Monument was designed in 1838 by Robert Mills (1781-
    1855), following the measurements of the Luxor obelisk. The number
    5 in masonic symbolism stands for death, while a series of three fives
    stands for murder. The masonic physicians were responsible for
    murdering President George Washington. The City Planning Department ruled that no building could be taller than the Capitol. The
    Masonic Grand Lodge is directly to the north, the Capitol directly to
    the east.

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