They Don’t Really Care

As of 2024, Donald Trump’s net worth is estimated to be between $4.5 billion and $6.5 billion, depending on the source. Much of the fluctuation is due to the volatile nature of his assets, particularly his significant stake in Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG), which operates Truth Social. The company went public in March 2024, and the stock’s performance has greatly influenced Trump’s wealth, with estimates varying widely based on market conditions​

Jesus’ teachings often encourage helping the poor by sharing resources. The concept of splitting wealth or giving to the poor is part of his message that material wealth is fleeting and spiritual wealth is eternal.

  • Luke 3:11: John the Baptist, anticipating Jesus’ teachings, said, “Anyone who has two shirts should share with the one who has none, and anyone who has food should do the same.” This highlights the ethic of generosity and sharing.
  • Acts 2:44-45: The early Christian community also embodied this principle: “All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.” The communal sharing of resources became a model of how Jesus’ followers were to live out his teachings.

The essence of Jesus’ message is that splitting or giving away wealth, especially to the poor, is a pathway to spiritual richness and fulfillment, with the focus on building treasures in heaven rather than accumulating earthly wealth.


“Split” can refer to several things depending on the context:

  1. Split, Croatia (City): Split is a historic city on Croatia’s Dalmatian Coast, known for its ancient Roman architecture, particularly Diocletian’s Palace, built in the 4th century AD. It’s a vibrant urban center and a gateway to the Croatian islands, with a rich history and a blend of modern and ancient architecture.
  2. Split (General Definition): In broader terms, “split” means to divide or separate something into parts. This can be used in a variety of contexts, from splitting bills, to dividing land, or referring to schisms in organizations or ideologies.

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Revelation 1: The Day of the Lord

Revelation 1 is the opening chapter of the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Bible. It serves as an introduction to the entire book, which is a prophetic and apocalyptic text attributed to John of Patmos. Here’s a summary of Revelation 1:

1. The Prologue (Revelation 1:1-3)

The chapter begins with a prologue explaining that the Revelation is a message from God, given to Jesus Christ, who made it known by sending an angel to John. It emphasizes that the time is near and pronounces a blessing on those who read and hear the words of the prophecy and take them to heart.

2. Greetings and Doxology (Revelation 1:4-8)

John greets the seven churches in the province of Asia, wishing them grace and peace from God, from the seven spirits before the throne, and from Jesus Christ. Jesus is described as the faithful witness, the firstborn from the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth. A doxology follows, praising Jesus for his love, his sacrifice, and his role in making believers into a kingdom of priests. Verse 8 is a declaration from God, who describes Himself as the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.

3. The Vision of the Son of Man (Revelation 1:9-20)

John describes being on the island of Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. On the Lord’s Day, he hears a loud voice like a trumpet commanding him to write what he sees in a book and send it to the seven churches. Turning around, John sees seven golden lampstands and among them someone “like a son of man,” dressed in a robe reaching down to his feet with a golden sash around his chest. His head and hair were white like wool, his eyes like blazing fire, his feet like bronze glowing in a furnace, and his voice like the sound of rushing waters. In his right hand, he held seven stars, and out of his mouth came a sharp, double-edged sword. His face was like the sun shining in all its brilliance.

John falls at his feet as though dead, but Jesus places his right hand on him and tells him not to be afraid. Jesus identifies himself as the First and the Last, the Living One who was dead and is now alive forever. He commands John to write what he has seen, what is now, and what will take place later. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.

Key Themes:

  • Revelation as a divine message: The chapter establishes that the content of the book is a revelation from God, intended to be shared with the church.
  • The identity and majesty of Christ: Jesus is portrayed with divine attributes, emphasizing his authority and his role in the redemption of humanity.
  • The seven churches: These churches are a central focus of the following chapters, representing the Christian communities to which the Revelation is addressed.

This chapter sets the stage for the visions and prophecies that follow, emphasizing the divine origin of the revelation and the majesty of Christ.

The Magician is one of the 22 Major Arcana cards in the Tarot deck, often numbered as “1.” This card holds deep symbolism and is rich in meaning, often representing manifestation, power, and creativity.

Imagery and Symbolism:

  • Figure: The Magician is typically depicted as a figure standing at a table or altar, with one hand pointing towards the sky and the other pointing to the earth, symbolizing the connection between the spiritual and physical realms. This gesture is often interpreted as “As above, so below,” a phrase suggesting the interconnectedness of the universe and the power to manifest ideas into reality.
  • Tools: On the table before The Magician are the four symbols of the Minor Arcana: a cup, a pentacle, a sword, and a wand. These represent the four elements (water, earth, air, and fire) and the suits of the Tarot. They also symbolize The Magician’s ability to master and use all elements to create and achieve his goals.
  • Infinity Symbol: Above The Magician’s head, there is often an infinity symbol (a lemniscate), representing infinite possibilities and the eternal nature of his power. Sometimes, this symbol is depicted as a snake eating its own tail (ouroboros), another symbol of eternity.
  • Red and White Clothing: The Magician is often shown wearing red and white robes. The red symbolizes action, power, and passion, while the white represents purity, spirituality, and the clarity of thought.

Meaning in Upright Position:

  • Manifestation: The Magician represents the ability to turn ideas into reality, using willpower and focused intention. It’s a card of action, suggesting that you have the resources and skills to achieve your goals.
  • Creativity and Skill: This card indicates high creativity, skill, and the ability to effectively use all available tools and resources to achieve success.
  • Power and Confidence: The Magician is a symbol of personal power and confidence. It suggests that you have the capability to influence outcomes and that you are in control of your situation.
  • New Beginnings: As card number 1, The Magician is often associated with new beginnings and fresh starts, indicating a time to initiate projects or ideas.

Meaning in Reversed Position:

  • Misuse of Power: Reversed, The Magician can indicate manipulation, trickery, or the misuse of power. It may suggest that someone is using their skills or knowledge for selfish or deceptive purposes.
  • Lack of Focus: The reversed card might also indicate a lack of focus or scattered energy, leading to unfulfilled potential or missed opportunities.
  • Self-Doubt: It can signify self-doubt or a lack of confidence, suggesting that you may not fully trust your abilities or are hesitant to take action.
  • Unrealized Potential: The reversed Magician may suggest that you have the tools and resources but are not using them effectively, possibly due to confusion or fear of failure.

Overall Interpretation:

The Magician is a powerful card that encourages you to tap into your full potential and to use your skills and resources to manifest your desires. It’s a reminder that you have the ability to shape your reality, but it also warns against the misuse of power and the importance of maintaining focus and integrity in your actions.

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Trump’s Croatian Protectors

When a President dies, it is never a lone nut. It is usually a triad of assassins. They use something called trigonometry to make sure at least one of the three killers makes the shot.

That’s why Math 11 algebra and a scientific calculator is important for high school students and these nwo deep state cold blooded killers.

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