Warren Commission Part 2

The Warren (C)om(m)ission

Now let us add a fourth hypothesis H4 which HAS to be true to accept the official account:

H4 – Lee Harvey Oswald fired a total of THREE bullets.

Unfortunately for the Commission, not more than three bullets could have been fired, for it was determined from the Zapruder film and the time needed to reload the Carcano bolt-action rifle, that Oswald could not have fired more than three shots in the 6 seconds from the first shot to the final headshot. For its conclusion, the Commission contended that three spent shell casings were found under the window of the sixth floor of the School Book Depository.
Again, it is surprisingly simple to demolish this conclusion, based on the Commission’s own evidence, for the original FBI receipt of the shell casings showed only TWO spent casings and ONE live round. Hence, not more more than two bullets could have been fired from that window.
These documents prove again that only TWO shell casings and ONE LIVE round were obtained. The Warren Commission changed the number of spent casings to three and left out the live round.
It is also important to note that Specter invented the single bullet theory ONLY AFTER the Warren Commission could no longer ignore the testimony of James Tague. Before that, they had three hits (Kennedy back, Kennedy head and Connally). Now, the logical and responsible investigative approach when you have to account for an extra miss and explain all those wounds with just two bullets, is to go and look for more shots and thus more gunmen. Instead they desperately clung to their “lone nut” and concocted the pristine magic bullet, accounting for all wounds of BOTH JFK and Connally. In addition, It can now be proven they LIED and TAMPERED to pull it off. See the interview with James Sibert (Realplayer required) Click here.
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