More Evidence

Evidence for James Files continues to grow (1)

Geplaatst op 15 januari 2013door Wim Dankbaar[vimeo]

1. Missing military records

One of the main issues used by critics to slander the James Files confession of being the grassy knoll gunman who shot JFK in his right temple, is that he can’t prove he was a covert asset for the CIA. James asserts that his CIA controller David Atlee Phillips told him that the CIA purged all his files as well as his military records. His birth certificate was replaced by one that said “deceased at birth”. But even that one has since dissapeared. James Files does officially not exist. He further says he was recruited for the CIA by David Phillips on a recommendation from the later CIA deputy director Theodore Shackley (under George Bush senior). 

Let me first point out that it in order to sustain “plausible denial”, it is common practice for the CIA to erase the records of  covert blackops  agents, especially for members of Organized Crime as James Files was too. This becomes quite apparent from the testimony of Desiree Ferdinand about her father Albert Carone:

Albert Carone

DF:      When my father died in 1990 and he was buried, it took about a month for the headstone to be placed and when it was placed it was placed as Staff Sargeant.  I went to the cemetery and I told them there was a mistake.  They had turned around and told me I would have to notify the U.S. Army Personnel in St. Louis.  I did that. St. Louis came back and told me there was no record of Albert V. Carone ever being in the military.  They sent me a letter, or Patricia Moore sent me a letter stating there was no record and he never existed.  A disagreement occured that he was buried at Santa Fe National Cemetery and he was in the military.  They had told me that that was not the case. In 1992, I started…well, from 1990, from that point on I started trying to put together the pieces of my father’s military because I was in possession of a great deal of military records from the army. I wound up going to a retirement luncheon at Kirtland Airforce Base in Albuquerque for retired intelligence people and I brought a military picture of my father with me.  A man that was there by the name of Robert Maheu stated that he recognized him from Washington and the Pentagon and told me that what I needed to do if he had been in Intelligence or worked with Central Intelligence Agency, which he did from 1966 on, that I needed to call Theodore Shackley. 

RK:      Okay.  Had you ever heard that name before? 

DF:      Yes. 

RK:      How? 

DF:      My father. 

RK:      Okay.  So Mr. Maheu said contact Mr. Shackley. Did you? 

DF:      Yes I did. 

RK:      And what did Mr. Shackley say? 

DF:      He originally stated that he would not confirm or deny ever knowing Colonel Carone.  He asked me what I wanted.  I told him that I wanted my father’s headstone changed since at one time he had worked with my father with the Golden Triangle in Vietnam. He stated that he did not know what I was talking about and what did I really want from him? I told him that I wanted my father’s headstone changed.  I stated that if my father worked for them all those years and if he was in the military all of those years then he would be buried with his rank as he was buried with full military honors. 

RK:      Let me stop you for just a moment here.  When you talked with Mr. Shackley did he refer to your father as Colonel Carone?  Not Albert Carone? 

DF:      Yes he did.  Colonel. 

RK:      Not Mr. Carone? 

DF:      No. 

RK:      Specifically stated Colonel? 

DF:      Colonel. 

RK:      Okay. Please continue. 

DF:      We ended the phone conversation and he told me that he would see what he could do but he could not promise me that he could do anything and he did not feel that he needed to help me in any way.  Ten days to the date of my conversation with Theodore Shackley I received an interoffice memo stating that my father’s headstone would be changed. 

RK:      Is this what you are referring to as the interoffice memo? 

DF:      Yes it is a routing and transmittal slip.  It is sent to me and it states that “we are returning your father’s military records.  Headstone has already been ordered with Colonel on headstone.  Thank you, Joseph Levato.” 

RK:      Now at your father’s death, he, let me refer to this. He authorized the document?

DF:      Yes. 


In the below fragment Desiree relates that “walls” will be put up by the CIA:

DF:      I had a discussion with Major Donnelly one day about my father’s things.  He asked me where my father’s files, his journals, and his tapes were.  I told him I was looking for certain files, tapes, and journals.  He told me I needed to stop what I was doing and he told me the walls will keep on going up. I proceeded to tell Major Donnelly I will take them down.  I have not spoken to him since. 

RK:      Do you remember when that conversation occurred approximately? 

DF:      Around 1992. 

RK:      And prior to that did you have any discussion or any other conversations with Major Donnelly? 

DF:      I had about four or five conversations with Major Donnelly. 

RK:      Did he mention anything about his feelings towards your father? 

DF:      No, but they were friends since we lived in Brooklyn so you have to go back at least 40 years. They were social friends also, not just through military. 

RK:      For the 40 years? 

DF:      Yeah. 

RK:      Okay. Now we have made reference to the Central Intelligence Agency. Do you know if your father had any or did you know the associates of your father as far as the Central Intelligence Agency was concerned? 

DF:      Some. 

RK:      Are there any names that immediately come to mind? 

DF:      William Casey. 

RK:      William Casey? 

DF:      And Oliver North. He just wasn’t military intelligence. He worked with the CIA and Theodore Shackley. 

RK:      You had mentioned Mr. Shackley before. 

DF:      Yeah. 

RK:      Now William Casey, how did your father know Mr. Casey? 

DF:      Bill Casey had come to my father’s home for my son’s christening, which took place in 1973, March of 73 and they were social friends also.  They would go out often. The Casey’s would come to our home. 

RK:      In which state now? 

DF:      New York, Long Island. 

RK:      Did your father ever mention knowing Casey before New York? 

DF:      Before New York? No, the only thing I can tell you that he mentioned about Bill Casey is that they were in the military together.  William Casey and my father. 

RK:      Which unit?  You don’t know? Okay. 

DF:      My father originally was with OSS in the military. 

RK:      Okay. 

DF:      Okay.  I think he knew Mr. Casey from there because they used to discuss, sit down and I guess talk war stories about certain things. 

RK:      So, your impression is that your father and Bill Casey knew each other from the OSS days and they continued that relationship? 

DF:      Yes.  He also knew General Richard Stilwell from way back when. 

RK:      One last thing, or several last things and then we will move on.  Would you identify that please? 

DF:      Lieutenant Colonel Albert V. Carone, 82 Leanne Terrace, Wantaugh, New York. It is an envelope mailed from Washington in 1970. 

RK:      Is there any return address? 

DF:      No. 

RK:      Okay.  But it is addressed to Colonel? 

DF:      Lieutenant Colonel. 

RK:      Lieutenant Colonel? 

DF:      Yeah.


In the below fragment Desiree relates about CIA drug running and her father’s relationship with Oliver North of Iran Contra fame (another operation run by George Bush).

RK:      Okay.  Now you had mentioned your father and Oliver North?  May we presume that this is the Oliver North Marine Colonel? 

DF:      Yes, we can presume that. 

RK:      And how do you know your father knew Oliver North? 

DF:      When the hearings were going on for Iran Contra, my father had proceeded to make certain remarks concerning, as he referred to him as Ollie.  When my father got really sick, dad started talking about certain things and one of the names that he had brought up to me was John Cathey, as I understood it the way he said the last name.  He said to me, “find him and you will find the story”.  Well, I never did find him and one day I was talking to a gentleman by the name of Mike Rupert and I’m telling Mike the story and he calls me back about an hour later and he says to me, “do you realize the alias for Colonel Oliver North is John, (he had referred to him as Cathey, I think)?  I proceeded to contact Colonel North.  He refused to speak to me.  I contacted him on about four or five different occasions.  He would not, under any circumstances, speak to me. 

RK:      Now when you say you attempted to contact him, you attempted to contact him directly? 

DF:      Yes. 

RK:      How did you do that? 

DF:      I contacted the radio show that he had on the radio. They had given an 800 number.  Because this day he was talking about drugs and how terrible they were so I decided I was going to call the radio show because if it was a live show, I had a couple of things to say to the man.  I had to go through another party before I could speak to him directly on the radio and they had told me no.  I had stated that I wanted to speak to him.  They gave me two different numbers. One was to his, he was running for senator at the time, and if I remember correctly, the two girls I had spoke to Dede and Marsha.  He refused to speak to me so again I made a phone call to Theodore Shackley and Mr. Shackley told me to call Colonel North and tell him that Mr. Shackley had told me to call, to which I did.  He still would not speak to me but Marsha proceeded to tell me that he did not know Colonel Carone or Theodore Shackley so I called Theodore Shackley back and told him that I kind of thought that he thought a little bit too much of himself because Oliver North said he did not know Theodore Shackley to which Mr. Shackley said, “then you know what, that is the route you need to take and if he won’t speak to you, then call his attorney”.  And he proceeded to give me the name of his attorney and phone number, which was a Mr. Sullivan at the time.  I called Mr. Sullivan but he did not return my phone call. 

RK:      So your father identified Oliver North as an associate? 

DF:      Oh yes. 

RK:      Did he say anything about working directly with Oliver North? 

DF:      Yes.  They were involved with drug running for the CIA in the South America Region. 

RK:      Did he mention any countries? 

DF:      No.  He mentioned Mr. Noriega. 

RK:      Okay.  So your father in effect put himself next to Colonel North? 

DF:      Pretty much so. 

RK:      And Colonel North to you has attempted to remove himself? 

DF:      Oh I would say. 

RK:      From your father.  Frank Nugan? 

DF:      Frank Nugan and Michael Hand, my father was good friends with.  Nugan Hand Bank.  It was a bank used in the Hong Kong area to launder different monies.  There were General Leroy Manner was involved.  General Stilwell was involved.  A man by the name of Paul Hollywell was involved.  It was an operation where drug monies in different accounts from certain people were absconded with. One through Nugan Hand bank and they were used for operations that were not sanctioned by the U.S. government, black operations. 

RK:      Okay.  Now we are talking about a bank here correct? 

DF:      Yes. 

RK:      In Hong Kong? 

DF:      Yes. 

RK:      Okay.  And your saying basically they took money….. 

DF:      To launder. 

RK:      From other people? 

DF:      And the drug monies that they used for cocaine trafficking. 

RK:      Now, how did you learn about this? 

DF:      Well, my father knew Frank Nugan and Michael Hand.  I might get this mixed up but I think it is Michael Hand that he knew from like the Bronx area of New York.  If I am not mistaken, he was in Special Forces or in the military at one time. 

RK:      Okay.  So your father passed this information to you? 

DF:      Yes, when he got sick. 

RK:      Okay. So this would be after 1985? 

DF:      1985/86. 

RK:      Did his attitude towards giving you this information increase? 

DF:      Yes because the sicker dad got, I guess the more he felt he had to clear his conscience because he said that there were some awful things done in the name of patriotism and I think dad had said that he was not long for this world because the suits had gotten to him and I think his conscience got to him. 

RK:      Did he say anything to indicate that to you? 

DF:      Yeah, he didn’t have the stomach to do the work that they wanted him to do any longer and the reason for it was because of this village. They had taken out an entire village of men, women and children and they executed them and put them in a mass grave and put Lyme over them.

RK:      Now which village is this? 

DF:      I think it was called Tapetula or Chapetula, I can’t remember the exact pronunciation. 

RK:      In which country? 

DF:      Mexico.

The massacre described in the Mexico village is very similar to a CIA operation that James Files described:

“Mr. F” stated that the CIA had once flown him and others into South America where they had “wiped out” 40-50 people at once, including “men, women and children. “Mr. F” stated he had “no remorse” for anyone he killed and that he had “never killed anyone that didn’t deserve to be killed”.  “Mr. F” said that he had not cared for Kennedy at all.   “Mr. F” made a statement pertaining to the fact that Kennedy was trying to “do away with the CIA and that he had always blamed Kennedy for the Bay of Pigs fiasco”. 

Nicoletti (often referred to as Chuckie by Files) then told Files that the hit was to be on President Kennedy.  Files said it was “just another hit to him” for Files and Chuckie had killed lots of people “all in a day’s work.”  Files expressed concern over so much interest in the death of “one man” since he had been directly involved in the deaths of many people at once.  Files stated that the CIA had once flown him and others into South America where they had “wiped out 40 – 50 people at once, including men, women and children.”


In the below fragment Desiree implicates Theodore Shackley (directly under George Bush) in the drugtrade:

DF:      All I can tell you is that he had mentioned Ollie North.  As far as the drug trade, Mr. Shackley was mentioned.  Mr. Richard Armitage was mentioned also.  I have never spoken to or met Mr. Armitage.  Colonel North would not speak to me.  I have spoken to Mr. Shackley.

RK:      Now in your father’s travel, we had mentioned Asia, Europe, the Bahamas. Did he ever go into South America?

DF:      Yes. That is where he knew Colonel North from in dealings with Mr. Noriega and dealings with Mike, who I will presume is Mr. Harari for the simple reason that dad used to refer to Mike and used to refer to the Mossad at the same time and later on I found out that Mr. Harari, I will say had dealings with the Mossad.

RK:      Any association that your father spoke of between him and Pablo Escabar?

DF:      My father knew who Pablo Escabar was.  He would discuss the, I will probably say this wrong, the Medellin Cartel and most of their drugs would come from them.


Continued in part 2

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