About G.I. Joe

Knowing is half the battle when facing the Pyramid of Darkness.

Catholic Church Burnings

Justin Trudeau, isn’t he Catholic? Why did he accuse the Church for his Father’s crimes?


someone always has to be VIGILANT during the black sabbath, 3:03 to 3:30 in the morning torturing children in the CHURCH

JOE says he will pump in carbon monoxide from his mom’s stationwagon into the Church…use first AIDD and resuscitate the children but leave the abusers to die with no CPR or Oxygen to wake them up…..

quick psych gas rundown

co2 in the chamber makes u feel like dying, some people confess

laughing gas makes u silly so that u trip up with the FEDS

oxygen makes u high and manic

carbon monoxide puts u2 sleep

there are more gases and their effects coming soon

Nixon and Ruby

A Nixon-Ruby Connection

This FBI-document of 1947 recommends that “one Jack Rubenstein of Chicago” should not be called to testify for the Committee on Unamerican Activities, for he is working for Congressman Richard M. Nixon. According to the Warren Commission, Ruby had no connections with Oswald, Organized Crime or the Government. No wonder the header reads “This is sensitive”.

Masters of Terror

Masters of Terror

The Bush family has a track record on terror you won’t believe. The only problem: It is hardly known! Not that they place the bombs or pull the triggers themselves. The underlings will do that. It starts with granddaddy Prescott Bush, who was a great admirer of Adolf Hitler and got rich from financing his war effort. You weren’t aware of this? Type in your favorite search engine: +Prescott +Hitler. Do the search click here.

An apple does not fall far from its tree. In the early sixties George H.W. Bush is personally involved in the formation of Operation 40, a supersecret CIA-team of assassins to eliminate unsympathetic political leaders. Initial target: Fidel Castro. But, as history will show, Operation 40 won’t be confined to foreign leaders only. Try googling for: +”Operation 40″ +Bush. Do the search click here.

Operation 40 is mainly assembled from Cuban exiles. A few names are: Felix Rodriguez, Luis Posada Carriles, Orlando Bosch, Guillermo Novo Sampol, Ignacio Novo Sampol, but also later Watergate burglars Frank Sturgis, Virgilio Gonzalez, Eugenio Martinez and E. Howard Hunt. Just type a few of these names with “Operation 40″, like for example: +”Operation 40” +Hunt +Bosch. Do the search click here.

Father Bush is still friends with Orlando Bosch and Felix Rodriguez, the latter was in 1967 the head of the CIA team that tracked down and murdered Che Guevara in Bolivia. Felix is also a key figure in Iran-Contra, alongside Luis Posada Carriles. He reports directly to George. Get the facts: +”Felix Rodriguez” +Bush. Do the search click here.

Orlando Bosch and Luis Posada Carriles have a history of give or take five bombs a year. Have a look at their track record: click here

Not for nothing is Bosch nicknamed “Dr. Death.” All supervised by George’s CIA, the agency he finally heads in 1976. George immediately instructs Bosch to unite all anti-Castro groups into one effective organization: CORU, or Commanders of United Revolutionary Organizations. However, in 1976 Luis and Orlando are finally caught. For blowing up a Cuban airliner, killing all 73 passengers. What if it was your child ? Don’t take my word for it. Enter: +”cuban airline” +”Orlando Bosch”. Do the search click here.

That same year, their Operation 40-classmate and fellow CORU-member Guillermo Novo Sampol is convicted for the murder of Chilean diplomat Orlando Letelier. His car explodes in the streets of Washington DC. With some pressure and tampering with evidence, orchestrated by the CIA, Novo is acquitted on his appeal. But you want the facts, right? Enter: +Letelier +Novo. Do the search click here.

Bosch and Posada Carriles are tried and convicted with lifetime sentences by Venezuelan authorities. However, in 1985 Luis Posada Carriles escapes with help of of the CIA. In a matter of days, he pops up in El Salvador at the side of his mate Felix Rodriguez, to assist him with an operation, now known as Iran-Contra. For convenience they are now Ramon Medina and Max Gomez. At the Llopango airstrip, they are unloading planes with weapons, sending them back to the States with cocaine. That way the taxpayer isn’t bothered with it. These operations are also directed by George, now Vice President. Orlando has to wait a little longer, but he too is released in 1987 as a result of diplomatic pressure of son Jeb Bush and ambassador for Venezuela Otto Reich, now assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell. Back in Miami, Bosch receives a Presidential pardon, shortly after George climbed to the highest office. Am I hallucinating? Enter: +Orlando Bosch +pardon. Do the search click here.

Bosch is reasonably quiet since then, but Luis Posada and Guillermo Novo are true die-hards. Since three years they are in a Panamese jail for their latest foiled murder attempt on Castro. Before Fidel could speak there on a Latin American summit, they were caught with bags full of explosives. However, Washington is working hard on their release. And why not? George W. publicly advocates the need for Castro ‘s “removal”. But why then is the Panama trial not reported in the mainstream press? See for yourself: +Posada +Novo +Panama. Do the search click here.

Ready for the kicker? On November 22, 1963, Luis Posada Carriles, Guillermo Novo, Orlando Bosch en Frank Sturgis, were all present in Dealey Plaza, the Dallas square were John F. Kennedy was assassinated. You don’t believe it? Here’s the proof ……. Oh well, you know how to search now! And this is only the tip of the iceberg. For more detail: click here.

“During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.”

George Orwell

Update: Luis Posada Carriles and Guillermo Novo were pardoned and released by Panama in August 2004. Although Panama is like a province of the United States, pressure from the Bush administration is denied.